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Historical Context of the Judean World
John the Baptizer
Early Church: James the Just
Early Church: Thomas Judas Didymas
Early Church: Peter & John
Early Church: Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of Jesus, & Other Women
Early Church: Paul
Early Christianity's Relationship to & Split from Judaism
Church Fathers & Their Writings
Early Varieties of Christianity
("Heresies," Schisms, & Establishment of "Orthodoxy")
From Sect to World Religion
Christology & Trinity
Church History: From Its Beginning to the Fall of the Roman Empire
Church History: From the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Protestant Reformation
The Great Schism between Catholicism & Orthodoxy
Differences & Similarities Between Orthodoxy & Catholicism
The Papacy
Varieties Within Catholicism
The Protestant Reformation
Christianity in Modernity
Theology of Atonement
The Problem of Suffering & Evil:
Theodicy, Apocalypticism, & Afterlife
Kingdom of God, End Times, Apocalypticism, Resurrection, New Creation, & Interim Ethics (already/ not yet)
The Rapture
The Spiritual World & Its Beings
Theosis, Deification, Divinization, Christification & Sanctification
The Harrowing of Hell
Christian Calendar & Time
Christian Holidays & Traditions
Christianity & the Arts
Pentecostal & Charismatic Movements
Contemporary Varieties of Christianity & Comparisons
Note: The videos in this section refer mostly to varieties of Protestant denominations. For more on varieties within/between other branches of Christianity, see other sections on this page.
Denominational Family Tree
Note: Although this series is quite extensive, some small denominations and complicated situations have not been included in it, so it is not the full story.
Christian Mysticism & Spirituality
Progressive Christianity
Liberation Theology in Christianity
Process Theology in Christianity
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